Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 9/28/2017 - 6:30 PM
Category: Awards and Commendations
Type: Action
Subject: 2. Excellence in Education Award and Action on a Request to Waive Board Rule 1.10(1) in Order to Consider a Proclamation in Recognition of Eugene Jones on His Upcoming Retirement as Assistant Board Clerk/Assistant Director, Office of Board Governance
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 2
Student, Family and Community Engagement
Policy: Admin Policy 1.05 - Recognition for Accomplishment
Attachments Proclamation in Honor of Eugene Jones
File Attachment:
17-09-28 Proclamation in Honor of Eugene Jones.pdf
Background: Each month, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors recognizes an outstanding school, student, staff member, parent, or community member for a display of excellence, achievement, and innovation that may serve as an example to our school district and the entire Milwaukee community.

This month, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors is pleased to present the “Excellence in Education Award” to Eugene Jones.

Eugene Jones began his career with Milwaukee Public Schools in 1996 as a member of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors’ business office, the Office of Board Governance. Mr. Jones has served Milwaukee Public Schools’ students, parents, and citizens at varying levels – Secretary, Administrative Assistant, Assistant Director, Electronic School Board Trainer, Parliamentarian, and Assistant Board Clerk – in the Board’s business office.

Eugene Jones’s study of classical languages, including Latin and Greek, greatly benefited the Milwaukee Public Schools through his capturing and publishing of the official actions of the 12 different boards which he served during his tenure. Mr. Jones’s superb editing skills are highly recognized throughout the district and are predicated on his belief of Latin and Greek being important facets of modern education in understanding the structure of English and the history of Western culture.

Eugene Jones eloquently demonstrates, though enlightening historical facts, that more time should be spent understanding the past in order to make better decisions about the future. Mr. Jones’s appreciation of both history and the Milwaukee Public Schools prompted him to co-found and serve as the President of the Milwaukee Schools Historical Society, Inc.

During his tenure at MPS, Eugene Jones has served eight superintendents, four board clerks, 36 school board members, and 12 boards, and has provided support for more than 1,000 Board and committee meetings. Mr. Jones has had an immeasurable impact not only on the members of the MPS family, but on the Milwaukee community and beyond. We are grateful for him and all that he has given to MPS and the greater MPS community.

The Milwaukee Board of School Directors recognizes and honors Eugene Jones for his dedication, outstanding leadership, and commitment to excellence on behalf of the students of the Milwaukee Public Schools.
Fiscal Impact Statement:
Implementation and Assessment Plan
Recommendation: That the Board determine how it wishes to proceed with this item.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jacqueline M. Mann, Ph.D. - Board Clerk/Chief Officer