Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 6/22/2017 - 5:30 PM
Type: Action
Subject: 13. Action on a Request to Approve Adjustments to the Previously-Approved Employee Handbook
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 3
Effective and Efficient Operations
Policy: Admin Policy 6.01 - General Personnel Policies
Attachments 1. Employee Handbook Comparison Chart of Changes from 2013 to 2017
2. Employee Handbook Effective July 1, 2013
3. Employee Handbook Revision July 1, 2017
File Attachment:
Employee Handbook Comparison Chart of Changes from 2013 to 2017.pdf
Employee Handbook Effective July 1, 2013.pdf
Employee Handbook Revisions July 1, 2017.pdf
Background: As a result of 2011 Wisconsin Acts 10 and 32, and given this legislative prohibition on negotiating terms and conditions of employment other than base wages, the District determined that it was necessary to create an Employee Handbook that would outline important MPS policies, guidelines, and practices that directly impact upon employees, as well as apprise employees of their rights and responsibilities.

In May 2012, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors approved an Employee Handbook for Non-Represented Employees and Represented Employees whose collective bargaining agreements were to expire on June 30, 2012. In May 2013, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors approved an Employee Handbook which covered all district employees, bringing in the MTEA and PAMPS members to have coverage under the Employee Handbook. This was done after numerous meetings with the leadership of the above-mentioned unions.

All district employees have been covered by the Employee Handbook since July 1, 2013.

Over the last few years, it has become necessary to remove, add, and modify language in the Employee Handbook to meet current needs and practices of the District. In the summer and fall of 2016, representatives from the Office of Human Resources met on multiple occasions with union leadership from the MTEA, PAMPS, Local 420, Local 150, and Local 1053 to discuss the language that the Administration wished to update in the Employee Handbook. The union leadership also brought forward the language that they wished to see updated in the new Employee Handbook.

The attached Employee Handbook, with revisions to be effective July 1, 2017, is the agreed-upon Employee Handbook which resulted from these meetings, with the exception of Part II, Section M. This language, however, has been a part of the School Staff Manual and applied to those covered by it for years.
Fiscal Impact Statement: This item does not authorize expenditures.
Implementation and Assessment Plan Upon approval by the Board, the Administration will proceed with implementation, which includes,

(1) updating the Employee Handbook on the MPS website;
(2) providing information about the revised Employee Handbook in the Thursday Updates;
(3) working with the Department of Communications and Outreach to communicate this update to all staff through various resources;
(4) assisting sistrict administration in understanding the revisions, so they can answer the questions of their staff; and
(5) bringing forward changes to district policies or procedures resulting from the adoption of this Employee Handbook to the Board at subsequent board meetings.
Recommendation: The Administration recommends that the Board approve the changes to the previously-approved Employee Handbook as outlined in attachment 3 to this item.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Evangeline M Scoptur - Interim Chief Human Resources Officer
Signed By:
Himanshu B Parikh - Chief
Signed By:
Dr. Darienne Driver - Superintendent