Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
5/30/2019 - 6:30 PM  
Report of the Committee on Strategic Planning and Budget  
1. Action on Amendments to the MPS Proposed 2019-20 Budget  
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 1
Academic Achievement
Goal 2
Student, Family and Community Engagement
Goal 3
Effective and Efficient Operations
Proposed 2019-20 Budget
Proposed Amendments
File Attachment:
Proposed 2019-2020 Budget -- Transmittal Letter.pdf
Proposed 2019-2020 Budget -- Table of Contents.pdf
Proposed 2019-2020 Budget -- Executive Summary.pdf
Proposed 2019-2020 Budget -- Organizational Section.pdf
Proposed 2019-2020 Budget -- Financial Section.pdf
Proposed 2019-2020 Budget -- Schools.pdf
Proposed 2019-2020 Budget -- Central Services.pdf
Proposed 2019-2020 Budget -- Line Items.pdf
Proposed 2019-2020 Budget -- Informational Section.pdf
2019-20 Superintendent's Proposed Budget Overview.pdf
003-Taylor Mental Health services.pdf
004-Peterson Road to 15.pdf
005-Herndon Music Instruction.pdf
006-O'Halloran - Nursing Supplies.pdf
007-Baez & Peterson - Bilingual.pdf
008-Woodward - Art and Music.pdf
009-Woodward - Alternate Meal.pdf
010-Woodward - Before and After Programs.pdf
011-Woodward - Substitute Incentive.pdf
012-Miller - Teach for America.pdf
013-Miller - Subs Special Assignment.pdf
014-Miller - Language Interpretation.pdf
015-Miller - Expand OAE.pdf
016-Miller - Salary Schedule.pdf
017-O'Halloran- Ethnic Studies.pdf
018-O'Halloran - ASL Interpreters.pdf
019- Peterson - Speech Pathologists.pdf
020-Peterson - Restorative Practices.pdf
021-Peterson - Building Service Helpers.pdf
022-Peterson - Nursing Positions.pdf
023-Herndon - Nutrition.pdf
024-Siemsen Fruits and Vegetables.pdf
025-Taylor 40 Hours for Parent Coordinators.pdf
026-Taylor EA Steps.pdf
On April 30, 2019, members of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors received copies of the Superintendent’s proposed FY2020 district budget. On May 2, 2019, the Superintendent’s proposed FY2020 district budget was posted on the MPS Portal for the general public to view.

Your Committee reports having received an overview of the Superintendent's proposed FY2020 budget from the Administration at its meeting on May 9, 2019. Your Committee accepted public testimony on the proposed budget at this meeting.

In addition to your Committee’s meetings, the Board held a public hearing, pursuant to the provisions of Section 119.16(8)(a), Wisconsin Statutes, on the proposed Fiscal Year 2020 School Operations, Construction, and Extension Funds on May 21, 2019.

Your Committee also reports having given public hearing on the Superintendent’s proposed FY2020 budget at its meeting on May 23, 2019. At that same meeting, your Committee conducted a work session and took action on the following proposed amendments to the Superintendent's proposed FY2020 budget:

Budget Amendment #3 by Director Taylor, to use the funding from unfilled vacancies, no-bid contracts, and turnover savings to increase funding for school counselors and mental health services and interventions (see attachment #3 to this item);

Budget Amendment #4 by Director Peterson, to move the Road to $15 initiative forward in a way that does not compress wages for those with longer service (see attachment #4 to this item); and

Budget Amendment #5 by Director Herndon, to reduce contract services for music and use the funds to hire FTE to teach instrumental music (see attachment #5 to this item).

(Budget Amendment #1, by Director Phillips—to take $100,000 of Board-funded safety contracts and allocate it to fund Board-approved coordination of the equity policy, bilingual programming, restorative practices, and the Montessori Strategic Plan—was withdrawn by the author at your Committee’s meeting.)

(Budget Amendment #2, by Director Taylor—to the funding for unfilled vacancies, funding for no-bid contracts, and turnover savings to fund a forty-hour work week for all Educational Assistants--was withdrawn by the author at your Committee’s meeting.)

A second round of proposed budget amendments, which were under development at the time of your Committee’s meeting, have been attached without recommendation for the Board’s consideration and action.
Fiscal Impact Statement:
To be determined based on the recommendation of the Committee.  
Implementation and Assessment Plan:
Your Committee recommends that the Board:

1. adopt Budget Amendment #3 by Director Taylor to use the funding for unfilled vacancies, no-bid contracts, and turnover savings to increase funding for school counselors and mental health services and interventions;

2. adopt Budget Amendment #4 by Director Peterson to move the road to $15 initiative forward in a way that does not compress wages for those with longer service; and

3. adopt Budget Amendment #5 by Director Herndon to reduce contract services for music and use the funds to hire FTE to teach instrumental music;

4. determine what action it wishes to take regarding the second round of proposed amendments to the Superintendent's proposed FY20 budget, which were to be developed subsequent to the formulation of the Committee’s report and, therefore, are to submitted directly to the Board without recommendation.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jacqueline M. Mann, Ph.D. - Board Clerk/Chief Officer