Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
2/21/2019 - 6:30 PM  
10. Report with Possible Action Regarding the District's Pilot Composting and Recycling Program  
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 3
Effective and Efficient Operations
Admin Policy 1.01 - Vision, Mission, Core Beliefs, and Goals  
Resolution 1718R-016  
File Attachment:
1718R-016 .pdf
On June 28, 2018, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors took action to implement a district pilot composting and recycling program for 5-7 MPS schools. The resolution, as adopted by the Board, is attached. The Board's action directed that schools already implementing successful composting and/or recycling programs were to serve as models to other schools wishing to participate in the pilot by starting or expanding current efforts in these areas.

On November 19, 2018, the Offices of the Superintendent, Accountability and Efficiency, Finance (Department of Nutrition Services/DNS), and School Administration (Facilities & Maintenance/F & M) hosted a meeting at Fernwood Montessori School for schools interested in participating in the pilot and in learning more from schools with successful programs underway.

The following schools were in attendance and have expressed interest in participating in the pilot for the current school year to begin programs or to expand current efforts: Lincoln Avenue, Lloyd Barbee Montessori, Maryland Montessori, Project STAY, Wedgwood Park, Vieau, Hawley Road, Parkside, Bay View Montessori, Bay View High School, Neeskara, South Division, MacDowell Montessori, Marshall High School, and Bradley Tech High School.

The schools participating in the pilot for the current school year are: Bay View High School, Bay View Montessori, Bradley Tech, Hawley, MacDowell, Marshall, Maryland Avenue, Neeskara, Parkside, and Vieau. In alignment with the original resolution, several of the schools will participate in advisory and mentoring capacities, including Fernwood, Lincoln Avenue, and Reagan. The other schools represented at the initial exploratory meeting have indicated a preference for beginning participation during the 2019-20 school year.

As part of the meeting, the Department of Nutrition Services shared ideas on how schools can begin or expand their participation in composting and recycling, such as the new compostable trays and the milk-carton recycling program. Information regarding Offer Versus Serve (OVS) was also shared. This method allows students to decline some of the food offered at lunch/breakfast, reducing food waste and permitting students to choose the foods they want to eat.

The Department has taken active steps to explore the use of "sharing tables" to reduce food waste and is in communication with several schools identified for the pilot interested in implementing sharing tables. Sharing tables are a designated table for breakfast/lunch items students do not intend to consume, but can be shared with other students. Some of the steps to implement sharing tables include the creation of procedures, the purchase of equipment such as cooling bins, and promotional materials. Additionally, DNS would work with schools to identify staff for monitoring the sharing tables in accordance with USDA regulations.

The Administration and the Office of Accountability and Efficiency have worked with the 2018-19 pilot schools to confirm proposed plans for participation and central fiscal support ($250-$1,000 per 2018-19 pilot school) to begin composting and/or recycling programs or to expand existing programs.
Fiscal Impact Statement:
Implementation and Assessment Plan:
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Keith Posley, Ed.D. - Superintendent